July 30, 2011

Miss Jenna's Senior Pictures

I had the pleasure of taking senior pictures for another cousin while I was home.  My beautiful cousin, Jenna along with my aunt and uncle and two of my other cousins came out to help with a location that was all new to me.  We went to the falls (yes, there is actually falls in Sioux Falls).  I had been there a bunch of times but never as a photographer.  I loved it and hope to do pictures there again someday. 

Did I mention she also on the fire department?

One of my favs!!!

I can't believe how pretty she is!

July 26, 2011

Miss Courtney's Senior Pictures

    While I was home this summer my cousin asked me if I would take her daughter senior pictures.  They wanted to do some pictures around water so I brought her to the same place I did my senior pictures.  It was such a beautiful place that it was hard to pick my favorite pictures to show. 

Look at those beautiful eyes!!

We had fun with this outfit!